Soil erosion & manure risk maps

Soil erosion & run-off risk maps

Soil erosion and manure risk maps are an integral part of cross compliance, as they highlight your understanding of field risks and how you are managing them.

Our dedicated mapping team ensures a smooth inspection process by delivering precise, comprehensive maps that account for the unique features within and surrounding your fields, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

  • Dedicated mapping department
  • Accurate field information
  • Easy to follow risk categories
  • Features including:
    • All soil types
    • Ditches and watercourses
    • Direction of slopes
    • Boreholes, wells and springs
    • Flood risks and vulnerable receptors
    • Rocky surfaces
    • Ridge and furrow
    • Ancient Monuments & SSSIs

Manure risk maps

In addition to a soil erosion and run-off risk map, you are required to provide a map of your land that highlights the risk of pollution to water from manure applications. These maps are also valuable for contractors, ensuring they are informed about no-spread zones around your fields.

Our manure risk maps include everything on the soil risk maps plus:

  • 10m and 50m no-spread zones
  • ‘No-spread- areas’ such as land too steep to spread on
  • Land drains
  • Temporary field heaps
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