Tree Felling Licences in England: When Do You Need One?
Before carrying out capital works like fencing, hedgerow management, or bankside coppicing, farmers and landowners must ensure they are not in breach of tree felling
Before carrying out capital works like fencing, hedgerow management, or bankside coppicing, farmers and landowners must ensure they are not in breach of tree felling
In 2024 Defra launched the ELM in-field agroforestry offer, which provides more support for creating and managing agroforestry in England than there has ever been. Agroforestry
In an effort to safeguard Welsh rivers, Natural Resources Wales (NRW) is implementing changes to waste sheep dip disposal permits. Why the Change? While sheep
Defra recently announced the new Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier (CSHT) offer, one of three Environmental Land Management (ELM) schemes, to help incentivise farmers to deliver
Defra has announced the new Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier (CSHT) offer, one of three Environmental Land Management (ELM) schemes, to help incentivise farmers to deliver improvements
To better reflect the contributions made by those with HLS agreements and to support the continued protection and management of these sites, Defra are increasing HLS payment rates.
Following the temporary closure of the Capital Grants scheme in November 2024, Defra has announced that sufficient funding has been secured for 2025/26.
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