
Health & Safety Tips for the Lambing & Calving Season

Lambing and calving are one of the busiest times of the farmers’ year. Longer than usual working hours combined with a vastly increased workload can lead to health and safety short-cuts. Here we share some key safety tips to help keep you and others on the farm safe during this busy period.

Lambing Facilities

Whether you are lambing indoors or outdoors, it is essential to have the right facilities in place. This has a dual benefit. Not only does it make the whole process easier on the farmer, it also allows for the safe handling of the pregnant ewe. As the average pregnant ewe weighs between 60kg- 90kg, lifting and moving can be difficult, so use your legs and not your back. Always remain vigilant when handling livestock.

Calving – precautions for working safely

It is very easy to become focused on the job in hand and extreme care is required. Ideally the cow should be restrained before you enter the pen, but this is not always possible. If you must enter the pen the following precautions are essential:

  • Work out your escape route before you enter the pen.
  • Stay vigilant and alert to the possibility of attack by the cow.
  • Move slowly and calmly at all times.
  • Never turn your back on a cow or get between a cow and her calf.
  • Never place yourself in a corner or between a cow and the wall.
  • Keep children and dogs away.
  • Try to have another person present to help.

Read more about safety at calving time at

Sufficient lighting

If lambing or calving indoors, it is critical to have sufficient lighting to ensure that all work areas are illuminated so you don’t fall victim to a trip or fall. Long hours can mean that some work has to be completed in the dark, therefore remain aware of your surroundings. It is also important to be aware that a lack of sleep can reduce your awareness to potential hazards.

Use of ATVs

ATVs/ quad bikes remain as popular as ever for getting around the farm, especially at lambing time. To help reduce the risks when using an ATV:

  • Always wear suitable head protection.
  • Don’t overload racks.
  • Check tyre pressures regularly.
  • Secure loads on racks and make sure they are not over-loaded and are evenly balanced.
  • Always read and follow the owners’ manual.
  • Stick to planned routes, where possible.
  • Take extra care with trailed or mounted equipment and understand how they affect stability.
  • Make sure all riders receive adequate training.
Risks to pregnant women

Pregnant women who come into close contact with sheep during lambing or other farm animals that are giving birth may risk their own health, and that of their unborn child, from infections that animals can carry.

Although the number of human pregnancies affected by contact with an infected animal is extremely small, it is important that pregnant women are aware of the potential risks and take appropriate precautions. These risks are not only associated with sheep, nor confined only to the spring (when the majority of lambs are born). Cattle and goats that have recently given birth can also carry similar infections.

To avoid the possible risk of infection, pregnant women should not:

  • Help ewes to lamb.
  • Provide assistance with a cow that is calving, or a nanny goat that is kidding.
  • Come into contact with aborted or new-born lambs, calves or kids or with the afterbirth, birthing fluids or materials (e.g. bedding) contaminated by such birth products.
  • Handle (including washing) clothing, boots or any materials that may have come into contact with animals that have recently given birth, their young or afterbirths.

Potentially contaminated clothing will be safe to handle after being washed on a hot cycle. Ensure contacts or partners who have attended lambing ewes or other animals giving birth take appropriate health and hygiene precautions. This includes the wearing of personal protective equipment (PPE) and clothing, and adequate washing to remove any potential contamination.

Pregnant women should seek medical advice if they experience fever or influenza-like symptoms, or if they are concerned that they could have acquired an infection from a farm environment. Farmers and livestock keepers have a responsibility to minimise the risks to pregnant women, including members of their family, the public and professional staff visiting farms.

Find out more about safety at lambing time at:

Looking after yourself

Long hours, disrupted routines, and little sleep are some of the challenges a farmer faces during lambing and calving. Taking care of yourself is just as important as caring for your livestock, and a little planning ahead can help you stay physically and mentally resilient. Here are some practical tips to keep you going through the season.

Stay hydrated – just like fuel for a machine, water is essential for keeping energy levels up and maintaining focus. Aim to drink at least 2-3 litres of water a day. While tea and coffee are fine in moderation, they can contribute to dehydration, so make sure to balance them with plenty of pure water.

Prepare meals in advance – during busy times, cooking can become an afterthought. Prepping and freezing meals ahead of time ensures that a nutritious, hearty meal is always within reach, helping to maintain energy and overall well-being.

Choose smart snacks – while biscuits and cake are often part of tea breaks, too much sugar can lead to energy crashes. Stocking up on healthier options like nuts or granola bars provides more stable energy throughout the day.

Start the day with a proper breakfast – a nutritious breakfast helps fuel the day ahead. Porridge with banana offers both slow-release energy and a quick boost, keeping you going for longer.

Develop a sleep routine – even when sleep is limited, establishing a simple routine—like taking a hot shower or changing into fresh clothes before bed—can help signal to the body that it’s time to rest, improving sleep quality.

Consider green tea – green tea contains L-Theanine, which has calming properties that help promote relaxation. Unlike coffee, it provides a gentler energy boost without disrupting sleep.

Write things down – keeping a physical to-do list instead of mentally running through tasks can help clear your mind before bed, reducing stress and improving sleep.

Stay organised with a rota – a clear plan ensures everyone knows their responsibilities, reducing confusion and unnecessary disruptions. Using communication tools like WhatsApp or traditional handover notes can help keep things running smoothly.

Reduce birthing challenges – choosing animals known for easier births and ensuring they receive proper nutrition beforehand can help minimise complications, making the process less stressful for both livestock and farmers.

Use technology to your advantage – calving and lambing cameras help reduce unnecessary physical checks, ensuring farmers only intervene when needed. Just be sure to regularly check that the system is working properly.

Be well-prepared – having the right tools and a well-organised shed can make tasks more efficient, reducing stress and making the season run more smoothly.

Taking proactive steps to look after your well-being during lambing and calving can make all the difference, helping you stay focused, energised, and ready to tackle the demands of the season.

Further help & advice

For further help and advice please contact our Health and safety team on 01981 590514.

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