A summary of the SFI in 2022
Read the latest guidance from Defra on the Sustainable Farming Incentive scheme which gives updated information on applications.
Read the latest guidance from Defra on the Sustainable Farming Incentive scheme which gives updated information on applications.
If your farm is within an NVZ, you may be able to apply for a grassland derogation to use up to 250kg of nitrogen per hectare from grazing livestock manure.
The Animal Reporting and Movement Service (ARAMS) for sheep, goats and deer, has now been replaced by the Livestock Information Service (LIS).
A quick round-up of what is currently happening in farming
The Welsh Government has announced that it is making £227m available over the next three years to support the resilience of Wales’ rural economy and its natural environment.
To better reflect the contributions made by those with HLS agreements and to support the continued protection and management of these sites, Defra are increasing HLS payment rates.
Following the temporary closure of the Capital Grants scheme in November 2024, Defra has announced that sufficient funding has been secured for 2025/26.
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