Cattle Inspections
The Inspection
Livestock inspections are predominantly run by Natural Resources Wales.
For cattle inspections, the inspector will arrive with the following information:
- A BCMS inspection list of cattle currently on your holding.
- A BCMS inspection list of animals moved off your holding in the last 12 months.
- Details of any queried animals from CTS online.
- A map of your CPHs as registered on manage my CPH.
The check will then consist of:
Physical check
- Read both ear tags for ALL cattle and record any missing or mis-matched ear tags.
- Confirm sex, breed, and age of each animal.
- Consider location of animals in relation to CPH.
Records check
- For all cattle seen at inspection:
- Check there is a passport, with barcode label and keeper’s signature.
- Check details on BCMS Inspection list corresponds with herd records e.g. sex, breed, date of birth, dam ID, movements etc.
- Check birth registrations and movement notifications were completed within timescales for thecalendar year.
- For cattle moved off the holding:
- Check a sample of records against BCMS inspection list e.g. sex, breed, date of birth, dam ID, movements.
- Check records of any queried animals.
- Check birth / death / movement notifications were completed within timescales for the calendar year.
The above has been summarised and extensive inspection content can be found at: