Let us take the hassle away
Farm assurance schemes allow farmers to demonstrate that the food they have produced has met specific, independently certified standards at each stage of the supply chain. Our Farm Assurance service ensures that you stay on track with your record keeping and complete the mandatory paperwork required for your Farm Assurance audit.
Our team of dedicated Farm Assurance experts are here to provide advice and support on all aspects of joining and staying a member of the major schemes.
The Arla UK 360 programme covers the six areas essential to building a profitable, responsible dairy farm business. It incorporates best practice in today’s dairy farming across animal health and welfare, people development, environment and natural resources, community engagement and economic resilience and reinvestment. We will collate your documentation and provide you with templates to record the information required to pass your accreditation audit.
We are experienced at dealing with and completing paperwork for GLOBALG.A.P & GRASP standards, an assurance scheme which represents good agricultural practices, and commitment to workers’ health, safety, and welfare. Using our extensive knowledge, we will collate your documentation and provide you with templates to record the information required to pass your accreditation audit.
We are experienced at dealing with and completing paperwork for all major Red Tractor schemes and will collate your documentation and provide you with templates to record the information required to pass your Farm Assurance audit. Our team will conduct a pre-audit of your paperwork and provide you with a 10-section binder complete with relevant forms and templates, that meets the respective scheme requirements.
The LEAF Marque standard is a global assurance system which aims to utilise traditional techniques with modern technologies to deliver prosperous farming which demonstrates sustainability and care for the environment. Drawing on experience from our many LEAF-accredited clients we can ensure your commitments to LEAF are met and provide the evidence required to demonstrate sufficient investment in the scheme.
All CXCS clients are supported by our experienced Farm Assurance team who are on hand to provide free support and advice. If you have a query, that our Farm Assurance team can’t answer straight away, advice will be sought directly from the relevant authority, and the response delivered as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Our experienced staff provide advice and support on all aspects of joining and staying a member of the major schemes. This includes the preparation of documents for the audit procedure which creates a useful opportunity to highlight and resolve any problems ahead of the audit day. Our advisors have attended numerous audits and are happy to liaise with the auditors on your behalf.